
Monday, March 7, 2011

ABC Video--Is There Really Hell?

A reader sent me this video link to an ABC News report on author Rob Bell. For those unfamiliar with Rob Bell, he would be one of the new wolves sent out to destroy the flock.

Watch the video here and then ask yourselves, "If there is no hell...what was Jesus sent to save us from? And if there is no need for Jesus to save us....why did he have to die such a heinous death?"

As another reader said last night, "If there is no hell, you may as well throw away the cross and the entire gospel of Jesus Christ...because it's all worthless."

Watch short video here;

Jesus said much about hell. Here is one passage that should be familiar to all; "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out." Mark 9:43

But I guess Rob Bell knows better than Jesus as to the non-existence of such a place. about arrogance.

Of course the real question that every human being who has been exposed to the Gospel must decide is....either Jesus is God and EVERYTHING he said was true....OR he was a pathological liar who made up stories about Hell, heaven, demons, Satan, the resurrection of the dead and eternity.

You must decide. It's either one...but can't be both.

Hat tip to Annie L. and Guy B.

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