
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bond Auction Meltdown?

We have talked many times about how the U.S. Treasury raises money for the Federal Gov't to spend by selling I.O.U.'s at auctions. Foreign governments, national banks, mutual funds and other finance houses all show up to bid on the bonds...and the one who bids the lowest interest rate actually gets to purchase the bonds. So what happens when the interest rate is deemed too high?

They send the Federal Reserve in to bid on bonds and the result is to shove the interest rates down. Yep! Classic Ponzi scheme...because the Federal Reserve doesn't have any money! But we all just agree to look the other way and HOPE that it all works out. Today the National Inflation Association had this to say;

Harvard economics professor Gregory Mankiw wrote an article that was published in the NY Times yesterday entitled, "It’s 2026, and the Debt Is Due". In this article, Mankiw gave a hypothetical Presidential address the President of the U.S. might make in the year 2026 after a failed bond auction. Mankiw's hypothetical Presidential address takes place in a scenario where in the year 2026, the U.S. Treasury "tried to auction its most recent issue of government bonds" but "almost no one was buying." According to Mankiw's hypothetical speech, during this 2026 crisis the President will admit, "The private market will lend us no more." Unfortunately, Professor Mankiw fails to understand that the U.S. has zero chance of surviving until the year 2026. What Mankiw predicts will happen 15 years from now is already happening today right under his nose, but somehow he fails to realize it. The public today has already stopped buying U.S. treasuries. The Pimco Total Return Fund, which was the largest private holder of U.S. government bonds, has just reduced their holdings down to zero. The private sector was buying 30% of U.S. treasuries, but today is no longer buying at all. The Federal Reserve is currently buying 70% of U.S. treasuries. If it wasn't for the Federal Reserve buying U.S. treasuries, we would already be experiencing failed bond auctions today.

What?? Can it be possible?? Could the USA be about ready to go down in a ball of smoke like we are already seeing in Greece, Iceland, Portugal others? Is it possible that our comfy lives of vacation homes, lavish vacations, 4 cars in every garage and ski trips over spring break are soon all going to come to a crashing end??

I read in a devotion recently that idolatry is anything that leads us away from our first love of Jesus Christ. Is it possible that most of us have been woefully guilty of idolatry and our jealous God is soon going to purify us from all these things that have taken us from our claimed first love? Will we still glorify God if He takes away our idols?

We may soon find out.


  1. Yo Dennis,

    Al-Qaeda Inspire 5th issue spring 2011 is on the street. Dirka Dirka, "Here we start, and in al-Aqsa we’ll meet."

    70 Pages of madness to help you get your Jihad on.

    Hey you can send your questions to Shaykn Anwar al-awlaki.

    Brothers in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula unite! :-)

    This is great reading.



  2. Hey Dennis,

    “It’s only a question of time,” Jelena Kirilenko, managing director of the Russian Visa Center in London, said in an interview.

    “We are ready to establish a biometric system as soon as there is a necessity to do so.”

    There is a forward looking statement for you.



  3. Hi Dennis,

    Just another piece of the puzzle for you.

    The Daabba will come before the end of time and is the animal which has been mentioned in the Hadith of Fatimah-b-Qais.

    Some scholars are of the opinion the Daabba is the Snake which guarded the Holy Ka'ba in Mecca. (Imam Al-Qurtubi book Tazkirah)

    The task of the Daabba will be to distinguish the believers from the non-believers. With Prophet Moosa's staff he will draw a line on the forehead of every Believer. Thus, there will be complete distinction between the Muslim and non-Muslim.

    This sounds familiar!


