
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fashion Designs for the Apocalypse

This is pretty strange. At the Paris fashion show the set was designed to look like a post-apocalyptic world. And the models parading down the catwalk were all modeling clothes to wear in case of apocalypse.

Chanel autumn/winter 2011 at Paris Fashion Week

A fire and brimstone-inspired stage setting was perfect for Chanel's apocalyptic new look.

All that was missing was a man carrying a sign reading: "The End is Nigh".

The Bible tells us in Revelation that the rich people of earth, AFTER THE RAPTURE, will not initially be devastated by the hardships that will engulf the rest of the world. Maybe taking a hint from their father, the Devil, they are unknowingly preparing for what they will be wearing during this coming dark time?

Who but the rich will have $5000 for a pair of slacks and a matching Chanel jacket?

Even though the world is coming apart for billions during The Tribulation...and their own destruction will soon be still gotta look good, right....?

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