
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Iran Ordered Attack on Israel

Yesterday we posted about how missiles were being launched from Gaza deep into southern Israel.

Now we discover that it may have been Iran which ordered Hamas to carry out those attacks on Israel. It is important to note the COINCIDENCE that the attack was ordered on Purim, which is the Jewish day of celebration to commemorate how God saved them from the Persians (Iran) in the book of Esther.

That is so cool.

JERUSALEM – Iran ordered Hamas to fire the massive barrage of rockets launched from the Gaza Strip at Jewish population zones in recent days, according to a senior Israeli security official.

The official said Iran was concerned Hamas was considering moderating its position during ongoing talks to form a government with the U.S.-backed Palestinian Authority.

"Incredibly, the attacks against Israel have little to do with Hamas' confrontation with Jews and was more about internal political posturing," the official said.

Ironically, the allegedly Iranian-ordered rocket and mortar barrage over this past weekend came as the Jewish state was celebrating Purim. The holiday commemorates the events in the Book of Esther – when the Jews were saved from the genocidal intentions of the viceroy of Persia, which is modern-day Iran.

The rocket onslaught also came after Israel seized a ship carrying a large quantity of weaponry the Jewish state says originated in Iran and was intended for Hamas in Gaza.

See it here;

Hat tip to Lisa H.

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