
Monday, March 21, 2011

Islamic Scholar Explains Last Days

A reader sent me this link which is LOADED with explanations about what many Muslims believe is soon coming for the Last Days. It is incredibly interesting to read because you can see how Satan has taken some of the Truth of scripture and woven it into the Koran with a that it will deceive many.

Also it is interesting that many Muslims believe that Jesus is returning to earth.....however he will not be God, but will somehow be affiliated with the return of the 12th Imam.

Could it be that they may accept the Antichrist believing that he is in fact the 12th Imam? Could it be that they will understand the False Prophet spoken of in Revelation to actually be Jesus?

Check out this one paragraph and tell me what these Muslims are looking for: (Dajjal is what they call Satan)

It is logically inconsistent that a wise God, whose creation is flawless, should send the true Messiah back to this world before Dajjāl the false Messiah has completed his mission of impersonating the true Messiah. That mission of impersonation would not be complete until he publicly proclaims that he is the promised Messiah. In addition, I believe that no learned Jew would ever respond seriously to any claimant to be the promised Messiah unless that claimant is a Jew, he makes his claim from within the Holy Land (Jerusalem to be specific), and makes his claim while offering overt evidence that he has already established his rule (or has the capacity to do so) over the world in general and in particular over the Arab/Muslim world that surrounds the Holy Land on all sides. I hold this view since the Jewish scriptures proclaim the advent of a Messiah who will rule the world (eternally) from the throne of David (‘alaihi al-Salām).

Our conclusion therefore, is that only a brief period of time will elapse between the advent of the Imām and the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām).
Since we also argue that Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) will not return until Dajjāl the false Messiah has completed his mission and publicly claimed to be the Messiah, it follows that the world may have to wait for at least another two or three decades for the blessed Imām to emerge and for events to then rapidly escalate until Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) returns, Dajjāl is killed, Gog and Magog are destroyed, and Khilāfah is restored in Jerusalem. And Allah Knows best!

Our gentle readers must strive to remain ever vigilant during the time which remains before the Imām emerges, however long that may be, not to be deceived by the false Imāms who are certain to soon emerge, and who would faithfully follow in the misguided footsteps of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. I would be surprised if the Israeli Mossad/CIA has not already groomed a suitable candidate.

See it here;

Did you catch that last sentence?? They believe that Israel and the CIA may have already been grooming a FALSE 12th IMAM!

Amazing!! Just like Jesus told us to watch for false Christs who come in the last days claiming to be the Muslims on on the lookout for false Imams who Israel and the CIA might be grooming to deceive Muslims.

You can see how the world is going to be so thoroughly confused during the Tribulation....there will be many grasping at straws and MANY will be cursing the One True God because Satan will have them VERY confused.

Hat tip to Tom F.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Just a quick comment on the convergence of Islamic Eschatology and dispensational premillenialism.

    The dispensational millennial evangelical tradition is the closest that lines up with Islamic Eschatology.

    The other flavors of the rapture lolly pop just do not fit as well. These include:

    1. Post- Tribulational Premillennialism

    2. Postmillennialism

    3. Ammilennalism

    I have come to a strong favor of the Dispensationalist point of view by mapping the Quran and Hadiths to the Old and New testaments. There are dozens of cross over points.

    My understanding is that if you held a picture of the dispensational Rapture in your hand, Islam, the Mahdi, and Isa are the negative to that picture.

    You have to get into the dark room of the Quran and Hadiths to appreciate the light and develop this picture fully.

    It is not everyone's cup of tea. It requires great effort. I would encourage the study.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Here is another good quick Imram Hosein read.

    This talks about the future world monetary system, one world government, and impostor Imam al-Mahdi.

    I speculate what is hidden in this article is the impostor Imam al-Mahdi will rule via Pax Judaica by the interfaith dialog position of equality of all faiths. This would require much time to get into. So just go with it...

    I am thinking this is the first 3 1/2 years. After Isa (Muslim Jesus) appears the first Dajjal is killed. Witnesses are dead? Isa then goes on to smash the crosses and kill the apes and swine. (Jews and Christians)

    It is then that the real Mahdi will rule over the whole world... Who does not embrace the love and tolerance of the Benjamin bunny impostor Mahdi. Just thinking??? second woe has passed, 7th trumpet. Time for the 7 cans of divine whoop-ass over the next 3 1/2 years then the final Dajjal that splits the east from the west?

    I have been struggling to come to a meeting point with the Kumbaya interfaith Islamic message and the hardcore one. I suspect that they will both play their respective roles. This is the best that I have come with at this time. Let me know your thoughts. I see that the Kumbaya version just way to complex to just be a deception.

    The one thing I know for certain is that I don't know anything for certain. :-)



  3. Israeli Military Strike Kills 4, Injures 13 in Gaza Strip
