
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Japan Quake Could Tip USA

On Monday, we posted about the fact that Japan may start cashing in the $hundreds of billions of U.S. Treasuries that it owes because they will need those savings to rebuild their economy.

So IF they do start cashing them in....where will the USA get the cash to pay them back? We just ran up a $250 billion deficit just LAST MONTH!!

Today, NIA is asking the same question and same outlook;

The earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster that hit Japan this past week and the destruction that it caused is nothing compared to the tsunami of inflation that will soon hit the U.S. as a result of this crisis. A tsunami of inflation in the U.S. will mean a complete collapse of our monetary system, which could lead to millions of deaths due to a lack of food and heat. 44 million Americans are now dependent on food stamps, but when the U.S. dollar becomes worthless as a result of hyperinflation, the government will no longer have the power to support these Americans and many of them will simply starve to death.

Japan's citizens were smart enough to save up $885.9 billion in U.S. treasuries to spend in a situation like it finds itself in today. The U.S. has no such savings and is the world's largest debtor nation. Our ability to survive depends on our ability to print money that has purchasing power. The only reason the U.S. dollar still has purchasing power is the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.

All Japan has to do is sell their U.S. treasuries and they will have the financial resources necessary to rebuild the parts of their country that were destroyed by this past week's disaster. However, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Tuesday that he doesn't think Japan will unload their $885.9 billion in U.S. treasuries. It remains to be seen if Japan will do the right thing and sell their U.S. treasuries or if they will make the mistake of continuing to artificially prop up the U.S. economy.

Of course, NIA finishes their article with a call for everyone to rush out and buy gold and it is clear that while they may see the pending disaster on the horizon...they are NOT looking at events through a biblical lens.

As we have blogged in the past, the Bible tells us to lay up our treasures in heaven where moth and rust will not destroy. It also clearly tells us that silver and gold will NOT save the world from the Lord's wrath.

Do you have some money? I would encourage you to pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and ask what he wants you to do. I'm pretty sure that there WILL NOT be one single answer given to all who pray that prayer. Why?? Because our God knows each and everyone of our hearts and minds. To some he might counsel to give it all to the others he might counsel to buy others he might counsel to buy others he may say to leave it in others to leave it in stocks.

Remember that God will have a lot of people to care for during the coming Tribulation....and we may be the instruments He uses to lay aside goods for the flood of Tribulation saints....who will be coming to the Lord Jesus Christ en masse AFTER we are gone.

Amen! Even so....come Lord Jesus.


  1. Hi Dennis


    Dajjāl’s ‘day like a month’ is now coming to an end and that his ‘day like a week’ is about to commence.!/?sk=messages&tid=10150172784231111

    First wars,

    Humm... Last week.



  2. Hi Tom,
    the FB link would not let me see anything. Is there some other way I can look this up?

  3. Hi There,

    Try this one.

    You have to log into face book to see the other one.


