
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ponzi King Calls "Ponzi"!

We have talked for quite a few years now about our belief that the Federal Government, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve are all engaged in running a gigantic Ponzi scheme.

We have also talked about our belief that Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme was simply foreshadowing of what is coming for the rest of us.

Today we find this headline;

Madoff to NY magazine: Government a Ponzi scheme

NEW YORK – Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff said in a magazine interview published Sunday that new regulatory reform enacted after the recent national financial crisis is laughable and that the federal government is a Ponzi scheme.

"The whole new regulatory reform is a joke," Madoff said during a telephone interview with New York magazine in which he discussed his disdain for the financial industry and for its regulators.

Madoff did an earlier New York Times interview in which he accused banks and hedge funds of being "complicit" in his Ponzi scheme to fleece people out of billions of dollars. He said they failed to scrutinize the discrepancies between his regulatory filings and other information.

He said in the New York magazine interview the Securities and Exchange Commission "looks terrible in this thing," and he said the "whole government is a Ponzi scheme."

A Ponzi, or pyramid, scheme is a scam in which people are persuaded to invest through promises of unusually high returns, with early investors paid their returns out of money put in by later investors.

See it here;

So there you have it folks! The most successful Ponzi-schemer of them all is pointing his finger at the U.S. government and calling the entire system a "Ponzi scheme".

It sure seems like someone is trying to tell us to quit having faith in Mammon.

One thing for certain is true....when faith in Madoff fell, $50 billion dollars fell with him and it impacted thousands of individuals and businesses.

When the U.S. Government's Ponzi scheme falls, and all it's promises of unrealistic returns are revealed to be will affect the entire world in some way, shape or form.

Pray for this country that we will turn back to Jesus Christ, that we will humble ourselves and that He will heal our land.

It's obvious now that we are incapable of healing ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Hope spring is starting well on your end.

    Here is one for your blog

    Ahmadinejad Stresses Iran, China's Role in Establishing New World Order

    Thant kings of the East thing...


