
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quakes WILL Keep Coming

"There will be earthquakes in various places...", said Jesus when his disciples asked him to describe how they will know that the end of the age is upon us.

So is it REALLY just all a coincidence that we have had so many massive quakes in the past handful of years...or is this a clear warning from God that the end of the age is upon us?

From 2004 to 2007, there were 56 major earthquakes 7.0 or higher. This results in an average of one major earthquake every 25 days.

In 2008, there were 12 major earthquakes 7.0 or higher. This results in an average of one major earthquake every 30 days.

In 2009, there were 17 major earthquakes 7.0 or higher. This results in an average of one major earthquake every 20 days.

In 2010, there were 22 major earthquakes 7.0 or higher. This results in an average of one major earthquake every 15 days.

Read more: Japan today, Jerusalem tomorrow

Also remember that Jesus said they will be like birth pangs, which means the pains will come closer and be stronger.

It sure seems like the chart may be showing just such a thing. What do you think?

The world is gathering around Israel, famine is building, nations are rising against nations, wars are happening and rumors of wars are everywhere, earthquakes, disease, parents killing kids and kids killing their parents, men being brutal and lovers of violence, strange signs in the sky......

What's left people? Only the rapture of the church, then the Antichrist, then the peace agreement, the final 7 years of Jacob's Trouble and then Christ returns with us to usher in the 1000 year reign.

How can anything possibly be more exciting!!! And to think that we may be the generation that Christ blessed enough to be eyewitnesses to it all!!

Hat tip to James L.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Quick thought,

    Anti-Ship Missiles were Found On-Board the “Victoria”.

    1 Min video on this link and pictures.

    Thought, Anti-Ship Missiles are typically used against ships.

    What is being planned?


