
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Secret UFO Files Gradually Disclosed

ABC News is still talking about top secret UFO files released by the UK this week. Notice the language used about "gradual disclosure". Also notice how the "facts are too disturbing to the majority of the populace..." And finally notice how "we're absolutely on a fast track to full disclosure."

"The official agenda is, I've been told, on both sides of the Atlantic, is that gradual disclosure has to be the way," Timothy Good, a UFO expert and believer, told ABC News' "Good Morning America."

"I don't think the ministry has revealed everything by any means," said Good. "The facts are too disturbing for the majority of the populous. Some of them actually have bases and have had bases on planet Earth for maybe thousands of years."

Should U.S. Release Its Own 'X-Files'?

Michael Luckman, a UFO supporter and director of the New York Center for Extraterrestrial Research, said he thinks it's time for the U.S. government to follow in the footsteps of its friends across the pond.

"We're absolutely on a fast-track to full disclosure," he said. "The U.S. should take a leadership role. Unfortunately, we've held back. ...This cover-up has gone on for more than 60 years."

In the past few months, he said, not only have institutions and countries around the world pushed for UFO disclosure, but military officers here in the U.S. have asked the U.S. government to come clean.

See it here;

So what will we say to our friends and co workers who are talking about "aliens" and how they believe that the universe is far too big for us to be all alone? What will we say if (God forbid) the U.S. Government rolls out it's own UFO files and releases information that we have been communicating with "aliens" for over 50 years?

And finally, what will we say if an alien ship were to actually land and have "aliens" start telling us all sorts of things about Jesus that DON'T confirm what the scriptures say about Him? Would we be able to stand firm...even as they perform signs and miracles...and maybe even call down fire from heaven?

"And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men." Revelation 13:13

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