
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Send the Arabs Some Money

With all the unrest going on in the Arab world, real human suffering is already happening.

Senator John Kerry (D) has an excellent idea of how the USA can respond.

WASHINGTON — A leading US senator called Wednesday for providing financial aid in support of democracy and economic transformation in Arab countries undergoing popular demands for change.

"Events this powerful demand a powerful response," said Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

See it here;

Sounds good Mr. Kerry! You are right...America SHOULD be helping those Arabs get a sound foundation built so demcracy and economic transformation can happen!!

One question for you Senator....where will we get that money? Should we see if China can loan us a few more hundred that we can GIVE it to the Arabs? Shoot!...I guess we already have a $1.5 trillion deficit this year....let's just see if we can make it an even $2 trillion!!

And one final follow up question....what percentage of Arabs actually hate America and all it stands for? Are we sure this would be a ripe place for us to invest our borrowed money??

Question for my readers....isn't this the same Senator who has been engaged in figuring out the US balance sheet and how difficult it is to cut 1/1000th from the current budget...but he is coming up with even more ideas of what we should be spending on??


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