
Thursday, March 3, 2011

UK Releases UFO Files

One reader who sent me this link asked, "Why now?" Yes... why is the UK, Mexico, France, China and others all releasing UFO files which clearly give hints that we have visitors from outside our realm? Don't we already have enough uncertainty roiling the planet?

(Reuters) - The government Thursday released 35 previously classified files documenting sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by the military and members of the public dating back to the 1950s.

The files contain around 8,500 pages which mainly cover the period from 1997 to 2005 and include photographs, drawings and descriptions of flying saucer sightings, as well as letters the Ministry of Defence sent eyewitnesses in response to their accounts.

Policemen, a soldier, a RAF officer and members of the public report sightings of objects including a "chewy mint shaped solid craft" and aerial objects resembling a "ring," a "jellyfish" and a "silver voile spin top."

See it here;

Of the millions of UFO sightings all over the world in the past 50 years, many have rational explanations. But thousands upon thousands have no earthly explanations and they are witnessed by VERY credible witnesses including military personnel who are very familiar with man-made aircraft.

As we have already stated in the past...the very fact that alien abduction experiences can be ended as they are happening by simply uttering the name of Jesus, and calling out for His a VERY solid clue that what we are dealing with here is Satanic deception.

And friends....this world is RIPE for serious deception....because this world has pretty much become ignorant of the Word of God.

Hat tip to Lisa H.

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