
Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Flotilla Coming Soon

Of course we all remember last year when Turkey sent a ship bound for Gaza.  The IDF boarded the ship to make sure there were no weapons heading for Gaza, violence broke out when the people on board attacked the IDF soldiers and ultimately the soldiers fired on the ship's passengers and 8 or 9 people ended up dead. 

Of course the lies and propaganda around this incident served the Arabs well and further turned the world opinion against Israel.

Now the anti-Israel forces are at it again and planning another flotilla around the middle of May.  This time it won't just be Turkey.  They are planning on having many nations involved.

Everyone needs to watch this 2 minute video so they can understand how the forces of this dark and fallen world are continuing to plan the demise of God's Holy people.

See video clip here;

Hat tip to Tom F.

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