
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Even the Women Use Porn

In just one more "sign of the times"...this article was a top headline today in the sidebar on Google news.

Why more and more women are using pornography

Increasing numbers of women admit to being hooked on internet porn. Why is this happening, and where are they finding help?

Caroline is not alone. While it's accepted that women are watching – and enjoying – porn more and more, it's less recognised that some are also finding it hard to stop. At Quit Porn Addiction, the UK's main porn counselling service, almost one in three clients are women struggling with their own porn use, says founder and counsellor Jason Dean. Two years ago, there were none.While more than six out of 10 women say they view web porn, one study in 2006 by the Internet Filter Review found that 17% of women describe themselves as "addicted".

Dean says: "I remember getting my first woman contacts about two years ago and thinking that was fairly unusual. Now I'm hearing from about 70 women a year who are coming for their own reasons, not because their male partners have a problem."
There is little difference in the way the genders become hooked, says Jason. There is the same pattern of exposure, addiction, and desensitisation to increasingly hardcore images. The main contrast between male and female porn addicts is how much more guilty women feel. "Porn addiction is seen as a man's problem – and therefore not acceptable for women," says Dean. "There's a real sense among women that it's bad, dirty, wrong and they're often unable to get beyond that."

See it here;

It's like Paul tells us in Roman 2:26 when describing a perverse generation near the end..."Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones."

The idea of millions of women forgoing their God given roles in society so that they can stay home and masturbate in front of a computer....should give us another idea of how close we are to the wrath of God being poured out in full measure.

Thank you Jesus that you came to bring us peace with God and were willing to die for us even as we were your enemies.  Thank you Jesus that you will call your bride (Holy Spirit filled believers) home to be with you forever BEFORE this wrath is poured out on this perverted generation.

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