
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Flotilla Update

The ships are still planning on sailing to Gaza and provoking Israel.  That's the latest update.

According to the article below, Israel called Turkey and asked for their help in stopping the flotilla....but Turkey has refused.

Turkish rebuttal comes after Israel officially requested that Ankara thwart a planned attempt to launch a 15-ship flotilla, one year after an IDF takeover of a similar endeavor ended with the killing of 9 Turkish activists.

Turkey said on Thursday it had received a request from Israel to help stop activists sailing to Gaza on the first anniversary of an Israeli raid on a Turkish ship, but it said the flotilla plan was not Ankara's concern.

Turkey, a Muslim former ally of the Jewish state, has scaled back ties, demanding Israel apologize and pay damages for last year's raid, which caused an international outcry.

Israel's ambassador to Turkey, Gaby Levy, asked the Turkish government this week to help stop the activists, saying sending humanitarian aide to Gaza outside legal channels was a "provocation," an Israeli diplomatic official told Reuters.

Asked about the request, a Turkish foreign ministry official told Reuters: "We listened to the message given by the Israeli side and told them this is an initiative by civil society."

See it here;

When you place this article alongside all the other pressure that is building on the Jewish can start to see how the leaders in Israel have to asking themselves, "What in the world is going on?"

The world is currently in turmoil....and according to the Bible, it's going to get  A LOT worse...before the Prince of Peace returns to put an end to it all.

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