
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Israel's looming crises

Now is the time to pray for the peace of Israel more than ever. With the walls closing in around her, things may get out of control quickly. The news seems to suggest that Israel is not quite sure what to do either. Those stories are toward the bottom. First, what May 15 may bring this year.

Of course, May 15th is celebrated as the declaration of Israel as a Jewish state. So, it leads to suggest that pro-Palestinians would choose that day to cause chaos and turmoil in the country.

Calls on Facebook for Palestinian Millions to Return to Their Homes in Israel on May 15, 2011

This link is a page of the various Facebook pages calling for millions of Palestinians to hold massive rallies and demonstrations in Israel. And they want to seem peaceful and non-threatening, so the rest of the world will think Israel is the one in the wrong. They want it to be huge.

On Sunday, May 15, after the noon prayers, "the holy advance will start and the Intifada will be ignited... On this day, all the returning [refugees] will set forth, and the Third Palestinian Intifada will commence, with the support of all the free people in the world." The page lists the destinations of the march: In the West Bank, participants will march on the checkpoints and settlements; in Gaza, on the checkpoints and border crossings; within "the 1948 territories," toward cities and villages destroyed in the 1948 war; in Lebanon, toward Palestine by land and by sea; in Jordan, toward three areas on the border; in Syria, towards the Golan border; in Egypt, toward the Rafah border and toward the coast of Palestine by ship. Ships will also set sail for Palestine from Turkey and Europe, and demonstrations will be held in front of Israeli embassies worldwide.[14]

You have to read the whole story. It will shock you.

So, who is going to join in the fun? It’s round two of the Freedom Flotilla, which promises to be twice as large this time.

Freedom Flotilla II will sail in May 2011

More determined than ever to break and end the blockade, the Coalition announced today that during the second half of May 2011 Freedom Flotilla II will sail. To this end there will be at least twice as many boats carrying many more volunteers and more aid. The expedition will sail in order to force Israel to respect international law and to mobilize civil societies’ support and solidarity with the Palestinian population of Gaza as well as bring attention to the wider issue of the host of human rights abuses carried out by the Israeli state against the entire population of Palestine.

Well, who will Israel turn to? Could Russia be their next friend? Could Russia offer Israel the peace it so desperately seeks? It wouldn’t seem to be the best choice. But here they are.

Israel holds secret talks with Russia in bid to thwart recognition of Palestinian state

A senior Israeli official told Haaretz that Taub and Molho used the visit “to present new Israeli ideas for re-launching the peace process with the Palestinians.”

Israel is also asking Russia to stop the sale of cruise missiles to Syria.

Israel urges Russia to reconsider Syrian arms deal,7340,L-4051524,00.html

In an interview with Russian news agency Interfax, Israeli Ambassador to Moscow Dorit Golender called on the Kremlin to revisit its intent to finalize a recent arms deal with Syria, which will see the latter get anti-ship cruise missiles.

Oh Lord, give us the words to speak truth into peoples’ lives at this late hour.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    The line has been drawn in the sand.

    Israeli PM Netanyahu has already Talked with UN Ban Ki-moon and asked him to work to stop the movement of the ships as Israeli navy will use force to prevent their sailing toward Gaza Strip.

    The war of words is heating up. I suspect it will shift to war of blows.


