
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Most Egyptians Favor Annulling Peace

When the chaos started in Egypt a few months back and Obama quickly called for Mubarak to step down, we wondered if that was good news or bad news.

Of course we Americans always root for "freedom protestors".  We understand that the Egyptian people want  more freedom and want rid of the fear of being hauled away by Mubarak's secret police.  And for a few weeks we watched the demonstrations and rooted for the protestors in the streets.

But what do we know about those protestors in the streets?  What if we find out that the freedom they were protesting for was really the freedom to go to war with Israel and the freedom to pull down the United States?  What if we found out that they didn't appreciate President Obama at all....even though he made a famous speech in Cairo?  What if we found out that the Egyptians would elect the Muslim Brotherhood in a fair, democratic election?  Would that be good for America and the stability of the world?

Most Egyptians are in favor of annulling a peace treaty with Israel, according to a Pew Research Center poll released on Monday.

The US-based think tank polled 1,000 adults throughout Egypt between March 24 and April 7, finding that only 36 percent would maintain peace. The percentage of Egyptians who support annulling the treaty (54%) does not vary amongst those who sympathize with Islamic fundamentalists and those who do not. However, those with lower incomes are less likely to support the peace with Israel than those with higher incomes.

The Pew survey also showed that only 22% of Egyptians said the US has had a positive impact on the political change in their country, while 52% disapprove of the theAmerican response to general Middle East upheaval. In addition, 80%  have an unfavorable opinion of the US, and 60% say they do not have confidence in US President Barack Obama.

The most popular agent of change in Egypt today is Ruling Council chief Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, who received a 90% positive rating, closely followed by Arab League chief and Egyptian presidential hopeful Amr Moussa with 89%. The Muslim Brotherhood has a 75% positive rating, while former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was ranked positively by only 13% of those polled.

See it here;

Well that sure doesn't sound good.  80% are unfavorably disposed to America and 60% have no confidence in Obama.  The majority favor ripping up the peace agreement with Israel and 75% have a positive rating toward the Muslim Brotherhood.

So should we Americans say, "Hip, Hip, Hooray for Egypt!".....or should we ask, "What have we just done?"

Will we be asking the very same thing in a few months after we bomb the heck out of Libya and throw out their dictator in favor of the "freedom fighters"?

Are we helping world peace or actually hastening WWIII with our blanket support of Arab people who say they want freedom?

I guess we will need to watch and see....because I fear our elected officials in Washington have no clue what they are unleashing on the Arab street.

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