
Monday, April 4, 2011

The new condition of Egypt

We know that this wave of uprising started in Tunisia. But let us take a few moments to see how #2, Egypt, is doing these days. The world and our President were shouting ‘Democracy.’ So, do they have one?

Story #1-

Dennis alluded to it a while back; Iran and Egypt were getting back together. They split up 30 years ago because of Islamic differences. If you remember, Iran was cheering Egypt on during their uprising. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday said that soon the Middle East would be free of Zionist and American interference.

So, I wasn’t too shocked to see this headline today,

Egypt ready to re-establish Iran diplomatic ties

After more than 30 years, the countries are going to reestablish their diplomatic ties.

Talking to reporters in a press conference, Ahmadinejad said the developments in the region have provided the ground for the initiation of the relations between the two countries, adding that Iran has always been ready for the closer cooperation with all countries in the world except the Zionist regime of Israel.

They’re both looking forward to renewed trade cooperation between countries. Perhaps weapons will be a part of that trade deal? None of this is surprising, considering the fact that the Egyptian military allowed Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal.

And in other news that shouldn’t surprise readers of this blog, story #2:

Muslim Brotherhood advocates Egyptian modesty police

In a sign of what the article calls “growing Islamic self-confidence, the Muslim Brotherhood is calling for modesty police to combat the growing immoral behavior in Egypt.

You have to read this report. If I pulled out the important quotes I’d have the whole thing here. Suffice to say, Christians are mentioned here and it’s not good for them.

An Islamic leader is quoted as saying, "Despite the attacks against the salafi movement, it is constantly advancing – untouched by the attack," Abd Al-Azim told Al-Masry Al-Youm. "If the Christians want safety they should submit to the rule of God and be confident that the Islamic sharia [law] will protect them."

And a Coptic attorney said, "There are areas in Egypt where Christian girls can't walk outside after eight o'clock in the evening for fear of being kidnapped,"

I could keep going, but let’s stop at story #3:

Egypt’s foreign minister talks tough on Israel

Uh-oh. Seems that the foreign minister has some words for Israel. Among them,

In an interview Sunday on Egyptian television, Nabil al-Arabi said Egypt will demand that Israel pay the difference between the reduced prices it received and market value on the natural gas it purchased under deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

And, he no longer wants Israel to consider Egypt a treasure. They will play fair, but only if Israel does too. According to the minister, they are not. Israel will not let those Palestinians live in peace.

There must be some decisiveness in the issues Israel has not abided by, such as the clause that states that Israel must maintain peace with countries that want peace, which has not happened with Palestine, which has agreed to peace with Israel,” he said. ”The conflict between Palestine and Israel should be ended and not managed ... for the benefit of Israel, Palestine and the entire world.”

So, despite Hamas agents trying to get into Israel and the rocket launching, and the recent threats of kidnapping, Palestinians want peace, but Israel doesn’t. interesting.

I’m guessing that we’ll be reading more and more about this new ‘democracy’ in the coming days.

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