
Sunday, April 10, 2011

No Fly Zone Over Gaza?

Here's how it goes so far with the Arab League....first they ask the United Nations to put a no fly zone over Libya to protect Libya's citizens from Gadaffi's forces.  And the UN complied with the request.

Now they are asking the UN to put a no fly over Gaza supposedly to protect the Arabs living there are in danger from the Israeli military.

The Arab League on Sunday announced during a special meeting in Cairo that it plans to press the UN to impose a no-fly zone over Gaza amid an escalation in violence in the area, AFP reported. 

Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said he plans to present the proposal to the UN Security Council, the report said. 

The group's spokesman in the Gaza Strip, Sami Abu Zuhri, on said that "The Palestinian factions are not interested in escalation." He added, "if the Israeli aggression stopped, it would be natural for calm to be restored."

See it here;

Can you see now how the world's opinion and potentially the world's military forces in the UN may soon be coming into direct contact and turning on Israel....just as the Bible says they will?

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