
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Obama Urging Earthquake Drills

An interesting headline came out today regarding earthquake drills that Obama wants to happen in 11 states.  If you had to name those 11 states you would of course think of California, Alaska, Hawaii and maybe Nevada??  But you would be wrong.  Here is the list of the 11 states;

 Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Tennessee. The 11th state, Indiana, conducted its drill today.

The date marks the 200th anniversary of the great New Madrid earthquakes, which shook parts of the midwest back in 1811 and 1812. California regularly hosts “shakeout” rehearsals to train schoolchildren on what to do if “the big one” strikes.
“Recent events throughout the world — a powerful earthquake in Japan, the fifth largest in recorded history, as well as devastating earthquakes in New Zealand and Haiti — serve as a reminder that earthquakes can happen at any time and can have disastrous and far-reaching effects,” the secretaries wrote in their letter.
“All of our citizens, and especially our students, can play a critical role in helping our nation become well-prepared,” they wrote. “Giving our next generation of leaders the tools to help teach their friends, families, and peers how to be ready for earthquakes will help our entire country become more resilient in the face of a disaster.”
Next week’s drill precedes a long-anticipated national dress rehearsal scheduled for mid-May. The National Level Exercise (NLE) is slated to bring together federal, state and local officials aross the same states to game out the potential response to another New Madrid-style quake.

See it here;

Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows we have been watching the New Madrid very closely.  The last time it broke was 1811-1812 with the largest quake making the Mississippi flow north and ringing church bells as far away as Boston. 

Remember what FEMA says:  Since then, the regions along the NMSZ have experienced explosive growth in both population and infrastructure. Another series of earthquakes of similar intensity today could prove catastrophic to the region. would be catastrophic.  I wonder if it could knock out our power, underground pipes that deliver our gasoline and diesel and knock down our interstate highways which are vital to our entire economy moving along on the backs of semi trucks?  I wonder how long Cub Foods in Buffalo would keep food on it's shelves if the New Madrid broke today?

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