
Thursday, April 28, 2011

San Francisco to Ban Circumcision?

Yes, it's true...the righteous city of San Francisco may ask voters this fall to ban circumcision.  Do you think the timing of this may have something to do with anti-Semitism which is breaking out all over the world at alarming levels?

A ban on circumcision could end up on San Francisco's November ballot.

A voter in the city says he will submit more than 12,000 valid signatures to the elections office today. That's more than the 7,200 needed to get the measure on the ballot.

The proposed new law would make it a misdemeanor to circumcise a person before they are 18-years-old.

"We don't come at this from a religious angle," Lloyd Schofield told the San Francisco Examiner. "We feel this is a very harmful thing. Parents are guardians. They are not owners of children. It's a felony to tattoo a child."

See it here;

Funny/sad/interesting/criminal that the people of San Francisco seem to be very concerned about a baby boy's penis skin...but are adamant about a women's right to dismember and kill a baby that she chooses not to deliver.

How long will God spare his hand?

Hat tip to Gillian C.

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