
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Unprecedented Flooding in Columbia

Last year we had floods of "biblical proportion" happen in Pakistan and Australia.  Now it appears the floods that started last year in Columbia are continuing to worsen and are being called the worst ever.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos warned: “There are going to be a lot of needy people, there has never been a tragedy of this scale in our history.”

Columbia has suffered from the wettest rainy season on record and the floods have been building since December of last year.

Billions of dollars of losses have already accrued with lost property, damaged crops and homes washed away so the national government has been seeking approval from Congress for an additional 5.7 trillion pesos to finance a flood damage fund.

See it here;

Did you notice how the crops have been damaged?  You can now add Columbia as a place that will NOT be adding to our global food shelf....but instead will need to take FROM the shelf. 

There WILL BE FAMINE, said Jesus.


  1. I don't think people are aware of the many crop producing nation that have had devastating natural disasters. When famine hits people will not be prepared. I don't think people realize how fast the store shelves could go empty. Thanks for the website, it is good to see someone who is passionate about the end times and share my beliefs. May God bless you.

  2. I agree that the world is sound asleep as to high short the world's food reserves are...and how many crops around the world have already failed. We have been warning people to make a pantry because of how fast the store shelves will go empty. We have had PLENTY of foreshadowings of empty stores.

    I pray we don't have to go through this and that the Lord comes for us first...and we have wondered aloud if the Lord isn't placing it on our hearts to build our pantries and food stocks because he is going to use us to set aside supplies for the Tribulation Saints.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
