
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ahmadinejad Goes Missing

It would appear that Iran's fiery leader has not showed up at his office or any of his official duties for some days now.  Could he be planning chaos?

The president has not been seen at his office for days, missing two cabinet meetings and cancelling a visit to the holy city of Qom.
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, recently re-instated a cabinet minister he had pushed out.
Analysts believe an internal power struggle may be under way.

One unnamed reformist politician told the BBC that a "game of chicken" had begun.
"I hope one side yields at the end - otherwise it will move the country toward unprecedented instability that will certainly suck the current Arab uprisings into the country," the politician added.
Did you catch that last sentence about "unprecedented instability"?  As we all know, chaos is EXACTLY what Ahmadinejad wants....because he believes that global chaos will be the conditions necessary on planet earth to usher in the 13th Caliphate, ruled by the 12th Imam...who will promptly kill all Jews and Christians who refuse to bow to Islam.

1 comment:

  1. Admadinejad believes in the Mahdi, he believes there must be chaos in the world before the mahdi comes. Whatever he is up to, you know that he is planning something to achieve his goal.
