
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Arguments Against a Palestinian State

Of course the Arabs already have plenty of countries in the Middle East, but it seems the world may want to have one more....and the pressure continues to mount against Israel as the world gets ready to declare a "Palestinian" state.  If this happens later this year, many prophecy watchers believe that Israel will have no choice but to go to war.

So why is this a bad idea?  If you get in a discussion with your "pro-Palestine" neighbor, how do you support your argument?  You can't always pull out the Bible to support your position when you are discussing issues with non-Bible-believing people...there has to be some logical reasons, right?

Fret no more!  Professor Paul Eidelberg has put together five serious reasons why an Arab state of Palestine is NOT a good idea.

See it here;

Even if you just focus on the economic reason, you should have enough ammo to at least appear smart.  Seriously, if the world is going to have to boot in $33 billion per year to support a bunch of Arabs in Palestine who have spent the last 60 years plotting how to destroy Israel and in the process have ignored education, technology, globalism, capitalism, etc...  WHO IS GOING TO PONY UP THE MONEY FOR THIS NEW WELFARE STATE?  The world is racing toward bankruptcy in Greece, Portugal, Spain and the USA...who is going to pay for another failed Arab state?

Also remember that the Arabs already have a state in's called JORDAN!  60% of Jordanian citizens are directly related to the "Palestinian" why not let them come home to Jordan and give this whole thing a rest?

Of course we know the answer to that;  even Jordan knows it doesn't want another flock of uneducated Arabs in their land who have ignored education, technology, business, etc...and also may have a high likelihood of supporting Islamist terror.

But the world says, "LETS MAKE ISRAEL TAKE THEM!"

Hat tip to Jared F.

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