
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Can't Count on Luck

So right under the headline that Obama has plans to divide Jerusalem, we see this headline;

U.S. Predicts 3 To 6 Major Atlantic Hurricanes

No major hurricane has made a U.S. landfall in five years, but the forecasters warned U.S. coastal residents that odds are they can't expect a sixth straight year without a major landfall on either the Atlantic or Gulf coast.
No major hurricane has made a U.S. landfall since Category 3 Hurricane Wilma struck Florida in 2005, though Hurricane Ike caused extensive damage in September 2008 when it roared ashore in Galveston, Texas, as a strong Category 2 storm with top winds around 109 mph. After peaking as a Category 4 storm near the Turks and Caicos Islands, Ike caused $10 billion in damage in Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, making it the third-costliest storm after Hurricanes Katrina in 2005 and Andrew in 1992, according to the National Hurricane Center.
Scientists said coastal residents can't expect their luck to hold.
"The U.S. was lucky last year. Despite an above-normal season, we did not have significant damage from these storms on U.S. land. The winds that steer where storms go kept them away from our coastlines," Lubchenco said. "We cannot count on having the same luck this year."
See it here;
The people of planet earth are SO SOUND ASLEEP!  Do we really believe it is "luck" that is keeping us together and holding the forces of chaos at bay?  The real answer is that the restraining hand of the Holy Spirit indwelt in true believers, is what is keeping this little blue rock called planet earth, from totally coming apart at the seams.
"...but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way."  2 Thessalonians 2:7
How will "he" be taken out of the way?  At the rapture of the church, of course.
Jesus told us, "Look at the fig tree and all the trees.  When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near.  Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near."  Luke 21:29-31
Let's all say it together, "COME LORD JESUS!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dennis

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 19 May Accuses the Europeans of Emptying the Clouds So That Iran Would Have No Rain.

    Yea, you just wait until the witnesses Mr Ahmadinejad. You will be looking at years of no rain.


