
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cue the Locusts Please!

First it was massive tornado outbreak, now they are enduring a flood of epic proportions, plus the New Madrid fault is shaking and could break wide open any if that isn't enough, now they are preparing for a locust hatch that only happens once every 13 years....and this is the year it will happen!

After a 13-year nap, cicadas are waking up in the South, and with them comes an ear-splitting mating call that will soon fill the air across the southern U.S.

The 13-year cicadas of what is known as Brood XIX (the 19th brood) have been living underground since 1998. That was the last time they held their famous two-month, above-ground mating frenzy.

Brood XIX, also known as the Great Southern Brood, is the country's largest group of 13-year cicadas, stretching across 12 states, including Missouri, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Illinois. Already rising in some parts of Georgia, they should all be hatched by mid-May.

See it here;
According to the article these locusts don't eat everything in sight, they just make a tremendous amount of non-stop noise.  Some people liken the deafening noise to the sound of a tornado!
As I was reading this article thinking of the poor, devastaed southern crossed my mind that the locusts might be screaming at the top of their lungs, "Wake up everybody!  Get on the ark of the Lord before the door seals shut!"


  1. Hi there,

    Iran's Association of Islamic Revolution Followers, Mehdi Eghrarian, said in Tehran on Tuesday that the convoy will leave the Iranian southern port city of Bushehr on board a ship on May 16,

    Mid to late May will have a bunch of stuff going on.



  2. A cicada is not a locust, you know right? Locust are grasshopper-like creatures that periodically spawn a new type of brood that swarms.

  3. Cool, I live in the south. Something to look forward to.

    Just a few notes from the news
    14 may Egyptians march to gaza
    15 May starts the next Intifada
    15 MAY Lebanon March to the border
    16 May the Iranians send their humanitarian ships to Bahrain
    17 May the 2nd Freedom Flotilla sails
    20 May the new Palestinian government is formed. Hamas Fatah hybrid.

    The next few weeks will be very interesting.

    Keep your eye on Israel.



  4. Hi Dennis,

    The flotilla is ready to sail. They slid the dates again. Nothing like adaptive contingency planning.

    Freedom Flotilla II will leave during the third week of June, with ships departing from various European ports, including Marseilles.


