
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Destroy Them In a Second

Isaiah 17 starts with, "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."  (Remember, Damascus is the capital of Syria)

That same chapter then ends with, "In the evening, sudden terror!  Before the morning, they are gone!  This is the portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us."

When you know what God says in Isaiah....this article made me take notice.

National Union party Chairman MK Yaakov ("Ketzaleh") Katz pushed the envelope of official ambiguity Monday regarding Israel's offensive nuclear capabilities. MK Katz said that Israel has the ability to destroy enemies like Iran and Syria "in a second's time."

The statement is most likely a reference to military nuclear capabilities, which Israel has never officially admitted to possessing.

Speaking at a session of a Knesset lobby dedicated to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust, the fiery, Biblically-bearded MK Katz said the greatest revenge against the Germans, who desired to annihilate the Jewish people, is the Jewish nation's fertility and natural growth.

See it here;

Just remember, Israel will NOT sit and let Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Assad government in Syria all work together to rain down missiles on Israeli civilians.  If war breaks out, look for it to be a VERY short war as I believe Israel will unleash some tactical nuclear weapon and put a quick end to and one intent on raining down missiles.

Of course the world will have a holy cow if Israel goes nuclear and this could lead to what may be the 2nd phase of these Last Days wars which would be the war mentioned in great detail in Ezekiel 38.

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