
Thursday, May 26, 2011

EU Expresses Willingness

As pressure continues to mount on Israel, the EU may be about to cross another line in the sand.  The EU has said that it would be willing to work with a Palestinian Unity government.  What does that mean?  Fatah and Hamas have recently signed some sort of truce and are now holding this truce out to the world that together they would be able to govern a new Palestinian state.

So we have Hamas, a recognized terrorist group, and Fatah joining hands.  Remember also that Abbas is the current leader of Fatah and he was one of the organizers of the Jewish Olympic athlete massacre in Munich in he also would be defined as a terrorist.

Now pay attention to this paragraph;

Abbas' Fatah faction reached a unity pact with Hamas, a militant group that is registered as a terrorist entity by the EU, earlier this month. Hamas has said it is unwilling to change its charter, which calls for the "obliteration" of Israel, but is prepared to hold back on armed resistance for the time being.

The Palestinian unity agreement comes as a prelude to Palestinian plans to seek full recognition of statehood from the UN general assembly in September, crossing another red line for the Israeli-US alliance.

See it here;

Well that sure is nice of hold off on obliterating Israel until AFTER they achieve statehood.  How thoughtful!

I would say we had best hold onto our hats for the rest of 2011.  If the world starts recognizing a Palestinian state and goes totally around Israel to get it done....there will be war.  Also as the pressure continues to build  on Israel to divide God's land, we may expect to have more tornadoes, droughts, floods, crop failures and general mayhem as the world sticks its fingers in God's eye.

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