
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Freedom Flotilla

We have been watching for another flotilla of ships to start heading to Gaza from various countries.  They claim their intent is to bring teddy bears, gum drops and Lionel Ritchie CD's to the impoverished Palestinians living there.  But of course the real intent is to provoke Israel and try again to see if they can gain some footage of Israeli's searching through gum drops, so they can photoshop everything and use it to inflame the world.

That flotilla was supposed to be leaving in the next few days.  But now the date has been changed.  It's good to know that Anti-Zionists are flexible.

[Paris, France] The international Steering Committee of Freedom Flotilla II just concluded its planning meeting in Paris, a few weeks before the scheduled departure of the flotilla to Gaza.
Freedom Flotilla II will leave during the third week of June, with ships departing from various European ports, including Marseilles. We’re very pleased to announce the recent addition of a Swiss-German boat to the flotilla.  In July 2010 Germany’s Bundestag passed a resolution calling for an end to the Israeli blockade of Gaza. A number of our respective governments have said the same. The UN Human Rights Committee Fact Finding Mission into the 2010 flotilla attack found Israel’s blockade on Gaza to be unlawful. The International Committee of the Red Cross has said that Israel must end its illegal closure of Gaza. Yet Israel continues to disregard international law and ignore the will of the international community.  Without any strong diplomatic action being taken to enforce international law and defend the human rights of the Palestinian people, the flotilla must sail and other international initiatives to end Israel’s impunity are called for.

We are encouraged by the reported decision of the new Egyptian government to open the Rafah crossing. But just as Egyptians stayed in Tahrir Square, accepting nothing less than the departure of the former regime, so too we must accept nothing less than a full end of the illegal blockade of Gaza and all forms of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

In one week, Palestinians will mark 63 years since the Nakba and the beginning of the dispossession of the Palestinian people from their homes.  Next month will mark 44 years since the onset of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.  And July will mark 4 years since the near hermetic closure of Gaza.  The question is no longer why we are sailing to break the blockade, but why is it taking the international community so long to act.  We call on the community of states and people around the world to uphold international law in Palestine, and support the Freedom Flotilla.

See it here;

It's interesting how passionate these folks are about the "human rights of Palestinians", and how the Jews are "breaking international law".  I wonder why these folks don't put together a flotilla to sail into Syria and bring blankets, food and medicine to the 1000 people Syria just butchered and the 10,000 people who have been rounded up and put in prison with no charges and are at this minute being tortured?

How about a flotilla to Sudan so they can try and stop the carnage of the refugees there who are being butchered?  I'm sure those folks would welcome some food, blankets and international attention.

How about the Congo?  Any flotilla planned?

How about North Korea?  The Human Rights group figures there are hundreds of thousands of folks there living in concentration camps, doing forced labor and dying of starvation?  Any flotilla planned?

Here's the REAL answer folks.  Satan HATES Israel and he HATES Jews.  Since most of these flotilla planners are children of the world.....they get their ideas from their father, the devil.  They are blinded to their illogical actions.

So let's continue to pray for Israel and let's continue to pray for her enemies....which soon will include the entire world...says the Bible.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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