
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hundreds Missing

The historic tornadoes that devastated the south and killed hundreds has also left an eerie headline in today's Wall Street Journal.

Hundreds Remain Missing in South After Tornadoes Devastate Region
"How Can Anyone Just Disappear From the Face of the Earth?"
For the friends and relatives of the hundreds who died in the tornadoes that pounded Alabama and other Southern states last week, there are funerals and wakes. For the families of the hundreds more still believed missing, there are only questions and fear.

But the number of people whose whereabouts remain unknown is far higher. In Tuscaloosa, Ala., alone, the police say there are still 340 people unaccounted for, based on missing-person reports. That number is down from the 458 people on the list as of Sunday.

Meanwhile, in Birmingham, Ala., at least 32 are missing, according to police. As with Tuscaloosa, it's difficult to know how many of those reported missing were killed by last week's siege of tornadoes.

"I don't even want to think about it," said Jean Williams, a Birmingham retiree whose 33-year-old granddaughter and two great-grandchildren are missing. "How can anyone just disappear from the face of the Earth?" she said.

See it here;

Sadly for those lost souls, we realize that their bodies were probably cut into pieces and scattered over a wide swath of destruction...and may never be found.

But could this headline be an ominous foreshadowing of a day, maybe soon coming, when millions of folks will simply disappear from the face of the earth?  Could it be that the "Mother Earth" crew may point to this headline to support their belief that Mother Earth is soon going to be purging millions of people from the planet in an attempt to get herself back in balance?

Satan is cooking something....and the headlines coming out everyday seem to be giving us some clues as to the explanations being hatched that may be used to attempt to explain the rapture of the church to those who are left behind.

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