
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Now Here's a Good Idea....

From the journal of, "You can't make this up" comes a doozie....

It's being reported that non other that the mad man from Tehran, President Ahmadinejad, may be taking over the presidency of OPEC.

TEHRAN - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may take over OPEC presidency as he has temporarily taken charge of the oil ministry after dismissing oil minister Masoud Mirkazemi. 

""For now, I myself am the caretaker of the oil ministry,"" Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech late Sunday. 

Iran, the second largest exporter of crude in OPEC, currently holds the presidency of the organization. 

Let's review;  Ahmadinejad want to wipe Israel and the USA off the map, he believes the 12th Imam is on earth and will soon reveal himself and gather an army to wipe everyone who isn't a Muslim off the face of the earth...and he is now taking over OPEC which supplies the lifeblood of petroleum to us all.  Why isn't that a good idea??

Hat tip to Tom F.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Not to mention that Iran is to Unveil its New Home-Made Ballistic Missiles Next Week...

    BTW Did you follow the Islamic meeting in Israel with the Jewish theological leaders on the 12 of May before the 3rd intifada? Crazy stuff...



  2. Hey again,

    Harun Yahya TV - Mr. Adnan Oktar's statements in the press conference with Israeli delegation (May 12, 2011),_2011)

    The timing of the delivery of this message is interesting. Mr Oktar is in regular contact with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They share the same messianic world view. The version being delivered here is the Kumbaya version. We could call it the seduction.

    I have been following his work for several years.


