
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PBS Meteorologist on Severe Weather

The liberals are having a really tough time explaining what the heck is going on with all these floods, tornadoes, droughts, earthquakes, etc...

See video here of the dude on PBS explaining the "bad luck" we are all having.

Wouldn't it be something to hear a meteorologist come on line and say, "I think  all this freaky weather has something to do with Jerusalem being a burdensome stone...."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    The first ship of the Freedom Flotilla 2 will set sail to the Gaza Strip on 20 June and will be followed by 11 more European vessels, the European campaign to end the siege on Gaza (ECESG) has announced.

    The other news that lines up with this is The Israeli military says will stop new Gaza flotilla.

    Once they board the foreign vessels flagged from foreign countries on the high seas this is a violation of sovereign territory. Countries will have to side against Israel. This is a brilliant strategy. This just may be the provocation they are looking for to get the party started.


