
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Savage On Ezekiel

Many of you may have heard of the radio host named Michael Savage.  I have heard him a handful of times usually when I am driving late at night.  I believe his radio show is called, "The Savage Nation".  No doubt he is a conservative and I have NO IDEA where he stands in regards to Jesus Christ.

With that being said, he started reading Ezekiel 38-39 on his radio show recently.  Pretty interesting since we have talked and blogged about Ezekiel so many have many prophecy watchers.

When President Obama called yesterday for Israel to pull back to the borders that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War – lines Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called militarily "indefensible" – top-rated nationally syndicated radio hostMichael Savage turned to theBible for a glimpse of the Middle East's future

"Ezekiel is predictive of what's going to happen," Savage said as he read from the Hebrew scriptures on the air. "There will be a war."

Savage said that with Obama's declaration, and others policy moves, the president is "laying the groundwork for a massive war against the Jewish people in the Middle East."

Read more:Savage: Bible shows what's next for Israel


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