
Thursday, May 5, 2011

War to Erupt 2012

The article below goes toward all the talk of crazy stuff that may be happening in 2012.

A major war will break out in 2012 and send the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunging to 5,000, says former Goldman Sachs analyst Charles Nenner.

Although the carnage won't take place until the end of next year, the time to get out of the stock market is now.

Just look at the S&P 500 for guidance.

"We went long in 2009 in the first quarter [when] we had a price target of 1,356 on the S&P 500, so we're getting close," Nenner tells Fox News.

"So I told my big clients, hedge funds, pension funds, and big firms to go almost totally out of the market."

War, Nenner says, will spur the massive sell-off in two years, sending the Dow to 5,000.

"I also do war and peace cycles and it shows that were going to have a major war starting at the end of 2012, beginning of 2013. And I think that's going to do it," says Nenner, without providing specifics.

See it here;

Wow!  Dow 5000 and a big ol' world war.  That's quite a prediction.  If the Dow goes to 5000 that would certainly challenge America's faith in Mammon.  And it would certainly challenge the premise of "economic recovery" that we are being told has firmly taken hold.

Hat tip to Max F.

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