
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bloodthirsty Pack of Dogs

One of the less known events we are watching for is an  increase in populations of wild animals that are dangerous to humans.  Why??  Because in Revelation 6 it tells us that during The Tribulation when the fourth seal is opened an angel of death will be given power to kill 1/4 of the earth by sword, famine, plague and "by the wild beasts of the earth."

So we watch.

Yesterday in Blaine, MN there was a big bear running across the soccer complex.  Just outside of New York City there was a 140 pound mountain lion recently killed by a car.  Texas and Oklahoma are all being over run by wild hogs.  All of these animals can kill humans...and WILL if they are hungry.

How about all the dogs that will be left behind at the rapture?  Where will they go?  Is it possible that they will band together in packs and start hunting together?  Not only is it's probable.

And today we see more foreshadowing with this headline and article;

Bloodthirsty pack of dogs take out 350-lb. llama

Local law enforcement officials in Northeast Washington state are worried about a pack of dogs that have attacked at least 100 animals since March. The pack, they fear, is now "killing for fun."
The wild dogs took out a 350-lb llama on Tuesday night, the latest in a string of attacks that have left more than 100 goats and other farm animals dead in the ranching community of Stevens County. The dogs, whose breeds are so far unknown, emerge only at night, but residents in their predatory range in the valleys and mountains near Spokane are afraid the canines may be getting bolder.
"I think they are capable of do anything at this point," Deputy Sheriff Keith Cochran told KXLY4, adding that he's worried the animals may just be preying on area creatures for the sport of it. Undersheriff Lavonne Webb told the AP the pack is " killing for the sake of killing."

"They are doing it to be cruel, they're bloodthirsty," resident Temma Davis told the station. "It's like 'Cujo.' "
Webb told the AP it's possible some of the four or five dogs in the pack aren't wild and go home to their owners during the day. One resident managed to snap a photograph of the pack, above.

See it here;

So these ordinary house dogs are killing for the sake of killing..and then returning to their homes during the DOES sound like the movie, "Cujo".

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