
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dark Horse for IMF?

There was an interesting (and possibly prophetic) article in the WSJ on Friday.  The headline reads; DARK-HORSE RIVAL DRIVES FOR IMF JOB.  As we all know the IMF stands for International Monetary Fund and many have heard me comment how they are showing up in headline news every single day.  Of course we believe this may be for-runner for the one-world-currency that the Bible says is coming in the very last days.

You can read the article in the WSJ here;

Now let's go to the book of Revelation and turn to chapter 6.  We read in verse 5, "When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!"  I looked, and there before me was a black horse!  It's rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand."

The passage goes on to describe a day coming when most men on earth will work the entire day only to earn enough food to eat...but that the rich people may not be damaged just quite yet...because the black horse is told not to damage the oil and the wine...which only the rich will be able to afford during The Tribulation.  So this black horse of Revelation has SOMETHING to do with the control of the financial system during The Tribulation.

So could the Dark-Horse Rival headlined in the WSJ have anything to do with the black horse of Revelation who damages the wages of most working men but leaves the rich intact for a later day?

I don't know, but it is interesting to ponder and watch.

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