
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Depression Coming?

Have you heard the popular saying about the difference between a recession and a depression?  It is said that you know we are in a recession when your neighbor loses his job.  It is said to be a depression when you lose your job.

According to a CNN Poll the most Americans EVER believe the USA will be sliding into a depression in the next 12 months.

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's overall approval rating has dropped below 50 percent as a growing number of Americans worry that the U.S. is likely to slip into another Great Depression within the next 12 months, according to a new national poll.

Forty-eight percent say that another Great Depression is likely to occur in the next year - the highest that figure has ever reached. The survey also indicates that just under half live in a household where someone has lost a job or are worried that unemployment may hit them in the near future. The poll was conducted starting Friday, when the Labor Department reported that the nation's jobless rate edged up to 9.1 percent.

"The poll reminded respondents that during the Depression in the 1930s, roughly one in four workers were unemployed, banks failed, and millions of Americans were homeless or unable to feed their families," says Holland. "And even with that reminder, nearly half said that another depression was likely in the next 12 months. That's not just economic pessimism - that's economic fatalism."

See it here;

Of course the headline caught my attention for the financial reasons but also because the poll resulted in the "highest number ever reached".  Just one more example of how the pendulum is swinging wildly all over the world in ways that most people have no way to process.  We need to pray that millions will understand that God is shaking the earth to wake up fallen man.

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