
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Federal Reserve Flies Gay Pride Flag long will God let this go on?  You simply MUST see this photo and article of the Federal Reserve branch in Richmond, VA now flying the Gay Pride flag right under the stars and stripes.

Here it is;

President Obama has declared June "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month" -- and to the dismay of a pro-family group based in Richmond, Virginia, the Federal Reserve Bank is joining in the celebration.

In an interview with the website, Sally Green -- identified as the bank's chief operating officer -- says the institution "strongly support[s] a diverse and inclusive culture" and has "learned it is important to value and embrace differences -- both seen and unseen. We are flying the 'Pride' flag as an example of our commitment to values of acceptance and inclusion."

Nice!! Acceptance and inclusion!!  

Now read Genesis where God smote Sodom and Gomorrah.  I wonder if they also were into acceptance and inclusion?  I wonder if America may end up being a heap of ashes sometime in the not distant future?


Hat tip to Tom F.

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