
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Flotilla Activists Planning Mayhem

This information sounds pretty serious regarding some of the flotilla participants.

According to the information obtained by the IDF, some of the participants have prepared sacks with sulfur, which they plan to pour on the soldiers as they board the vessels.

“This is a chemical weapon, and if poured on a soldier it can paralyze him,” an IDF source told The Jerusalem Post Monday night. “If the sulfur is then lit on fire, the soldierwill light up like a torch.”

The information was obtained from closed meetings held by participants on the shipsduring which some voiced their intention to “murder Israeli soldiers,” according to the IDF.

See it here;

If anything like this ends up happening...hold onto your hats because the IDF WILL NOT ALLOW chemicals to be used on any Israelis.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Here is a link to some interesting pro flotilla clips.

    There are also a bunch of links to 24 other flotilla web sites. They are worth having a look at. They have done a great job of coordinating their efforts.


