
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hezbollah Preparing for War With Israel

It is being reported that Hezbollah (in Lebanon) is preparing to go to war against Israel in an attempt to deflect attention from the mayhem going on in Syria.

Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group is preparing for a possible war with Israel to relieve perceived Western pressure to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad, its guardian ally, sources close to the movement say.

The radical Shi'ite group, which has a powerful militia armed by Damascus and Iran, is watching the unrest in neighboring Syria with alarm and is determined to prevent the West from exploiting popular protests to bring down Assad.

 Hezbollah believes the West is working to reshape the Middle East by replacing Assad with a ruler friendly to Israel and hostile to itself.

"The region now is at war, a war between what is good and what is backed by Washington... Syria is the good," said a Lebanon-based Arab official close to Syria.

"If the situation in Syria collapses it will have repercussions that will go beyond Syria," the Arab official said. "None of Syria's allies would accept the fall of Syria even if it led to turning the table upside down -- war (with Israel) could be one of the options."

See it here;

Of course this article falls into the category of, "there will be wars and rumors of wars".  Also if Israel DOES pre-emptively hit Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon it may also begin to shape the military engagement mentioned in Psalm 83.

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  1. U.S. Jews Not Able To Fly On Delta Flights To Saudi Arabia
