
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mass Extinction of Ocean

As the rain won't seem to quit in SD, ND and Montana and the drought won't let up in the would be nice to know that at the very least our oceans would be a safe haven of "normal", but of course there is even gloom and doom coming for the high seas.

Mass extinctions of species in the world's oceans are inevitable if current trends of overfishing, habitat loss, global warming and pollution continue, a panel of renowned marine scientists warned Tuesday.

Vanishing species — from sea turtles to coral — would upend the ocean's ecosystem. Fish are the main source of protein for a fifth of the world's population and the seas cycle oxygen and help absorb carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas from human activities.
"Things seem to be going wrong on several different levels," said Carl Lundin, director of global marine programs at the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which helped produce the report with the International Programme on the State of the Ocean.
Yes it's true...things DO seem to be going wrong on several different levels.
Revelation tells us that during the Tribulation the ocean will be turned to blood and a massive die off of fish and sea creatures will be the result.
Are today's scientists starting to get a glimpse of this coming catastrophe?

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