
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More on Circumcision Ban

We blogged on this when it first came out and thought it funny/sad/interesting that the residents of San Francisco care SO MUCH for the foreskin of a penis, but are adamant about the right to kill a baby as long as it is still somewhat in the mother's body.  It makes no logical sense.

We also wondered if this was going to be another case of Anti-Semitism rearing its ugly head as The Tribulation draws close.

Now we have proof that this proposed ban is Anti-Semitic...and as you look at the cartoon pictures of the Rabbi monsters you will soon figure out just how offensive this is.  They even create a super hero called FORESKIN MAN who swoops in and saves the day (and the foreskin) of the baby boy.

See it here;

Amazing!  Also is it just me or does Foreskin Man look an awful lot like a pure-Aryan race that Hitler was so fond of?

Hat tip to Lisa H.

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