
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nation Will Rise Against Nation

Jesus told us that nations would be rising against each other and kingdom against kingdom.  Obviously the "Arab spring" we are currently witnessing falls under this Last Days prophecy spoken by Jesus.

But how about Scotland splitting from the United Kingdom?  That would certainly qualify.

It is the nation that once ran the largest empire the world has ever known, a country so powerful that it claimed to "rule the waves" in a patriotic anthem.

But last month a "political tsunami" struck the United Kingdom and this once-mighty state faces being broken up.

An astonishing victory for nationalists in the Scottish parliamentary elections means it is almost certain that a referendum will be held within five years on whether Scotland should leave the U.K. and become an independent country.

See it here;

Of course we realize that Scotland and England have a long history of being anti-Israel and anti-Jew.  Could this be judgment starting against the nations that scattered HIS people and divided HIS land?

The "once-mighty" state faces being broken up!

Will this happen?  We will have to watch and see.

One thing for sure, "political tsunamis" seem to be happening on a daily basis...with increasing frequency and increasing violence...just like birth pains.


  1. Hey Dennis,

    Another gem in the Shia news today,

    (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a news conference on Tuesday that Tehran will soon present "a plan" for Bahrain to solve the problem in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

    I cant wait to read about it. Some how I think that the lease for continued US foothold for 5th fleet in Bahrain will run out.

    BTW did you see the pictures of the landing craft that Iran launched last month? They are huge. You could get 20 plus tanks on one of them. They launched 10...



  2. Hey there,

    Pictures of the Volcano eruption in Chile. Way cool.

    BTW saw the tag line in USA Today, Fires, Floods, tornadoes... This weather is due to El Nino. :-)



  3. Hi Dennis,

    Good indicator that Iran will be sending ships to the Med again...

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's naval presence in the Red Sea will be in the interest of the Muslim and regional countries, a retired Egyptian Army General stressed on Wednesday.

    Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy for Coordination General Kamran Farhang-Javid told FNA that the Iranian Navy will continue extraterritorial missions, including dispatch of warships to the Mediterranean Sea, in future.

    I suspect that they may move to the Med before the next flotilla in order to provide escort. Time will tell.



  4. I love this guy... He always makes me smile...

    Iran says the United States is pursuing all possible avenues to provoke a military confrontation between Middle Eastern states in efforts to salvage the Israeli regime.

    So when the war does start they will blame it on the United States.



  5. Hey there...

    A must read. There is no intention for peace. Additionaly,

    Imam Khamenei is the leader of the confrontation in the most difficult war that needed a lot of reason, wisdom and courage and so far we cannot detect many of the aspects of this war.

    They are right about that, the west is asleep.


