
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pakistan Persecution

The stories like these are going to increase as Satan continues to prepare for The Tribulation.  And of course wherever Satan already has a stronghold (Pakistan, Sudan, Iran, Yemen, etc...) we can expect them to really jump on the Children of the Light.

( – A group of radical clerics in Pakistan wants the country’s Supreme Court to declare certain passages in the Bible blasphemous – because they depict as flawed certain biblical characters whom Muslims regard as Islamic prophets.

If the court fails to do so, they said, then lawyers will submit an application for the Bible to be formally banned in Pakistan.

Among the biblical figures viewed by Muslims as Islamic prophets are some whom the Bible clearly describes as behaving immorally, such as David, who coveted a man’s wife and so sent him to face certain death on the battle front lines; and Solomon, who later in life sought out pagan women and their gods.

On the other hand, biblical assertions that Jesus is God, that he died and rose from the dead, and that salvation comes through his name only, are all in conflict with Islamic teachings. They, too, could arguably be seen by Muslims as blasphemous – both towards the Qur’an and, indirectly, towards Mohammed, who Muslims believed received the inerrant revelation from Allah.

See it here;

And this also from Pakistan;

Faisalabad (AsiaNews) – Christian tombs were recently desecrated and a young Christian woman was gang-raped for an entire night. In both cases, police refused to file a First Information Report, allowing the culprits to escape justice. These are examples of the ordinary violence visited upon Pakistan’s Christian minority. Whether it involves Christian-owned land and property or individuals who are targeted because they are defenceless, victims will not find justice with the country’s legal system. Gradually, Pakistan’s ‘Islamisation’ slowly progresses, especially in the densely populated province of Punjab. 

See it here;,-young-woman-gang-raped-21673.html

So you are you doing today Mr. and Mrs. American Christian?  A little frazzled maybe because your kid has soccer practice in Blaine and your lawn needs mowing?  A little peeved because Pia got cut from American Idol?  A little upset about how a sales tax may be used to fund the new Minnesota Vikings Stadium?  A little sullen because the church budget is 10% less than it was last year?

Seriously, if we ran into our persecuted brothers and sisters from China, Iraq, Pakistan, etc...  would we even have anything to say to them?  Would we have anything in common?  No wonder they are begging us, and begging God to wake up the Christ followers in the USA. 

But even with all the disasters that have recently happened and all those that are set up to happen in the near many "Christians" will truly open their eyes and realize what we were created for?

Hat tip to Lisa H.  

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