
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Russia and Iran at Summit

We have been watching the Last Days coalition spoken of in Ezekiel 38 for some time now.  The main players mentioned are present day Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya followed by some less prominent north African nations.

So we should not be surprised to see that Russia and Iran continue to draw closer in military relations...for the first time in human history.

ASTANA — Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday joined the Chinese and Russian leaders in a rare encounter at a summit in Kazakhstan, where he launched a new attack on the “slavers and colonisers” of the West.

In a characteristically firebrand speech peppered with rhetorical questions, he launched a new call for a wholesale shake-up of the world order, which he said was “managed and run by slavers and colonizers of the past.”
“I believe together we can reform the way the world is managed. We can restore the tranquillity of the world,” he said.
Remember friends, most watchers understand that the war of Ezekiel will happen AFTER the as we continue to watch this coalition form it should get us excited to understand that we could be meeting our King at any moment!
"When you see all these things begin to happen then lift up your heads for your redemption is nigh"

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