
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Biggest Dead Zone EVER!

Most of you may not realize it, but where the Mississippi flows into the Gulf of Mexico, the stank water that the Mississippi has become...creates a dead zone that extends far out into the Gulf...meaning that nothing can live in that water. 

ScienceDaily (July 18, 2011) — Researchers from Texas A&M University have returned from a trip to examine the scope and size of this year's "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico and have measured it currently to be about 3,300 square miles, or roughly the size of Delaware and Rhode Island combined, but some researchers anticipate it becoming much larger.

DiMarco says the size of the dead zone off coastal Louisiana has been routinely monitored for about 25 years. Previous research has also shown that nitrogen levels in the Gulf related to human activities have tripled over the past 50 years. During the past five years, the dead zone has averaged about 5,800 square miles and has been predicted to exceed 9,400 square miles this year, which would make it one of the largest ever recorded, according to the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

See it here;

Of course the Mississippi is at record flood levels so is flowing more water into the Gulf than EVER for that reason alone the dead zone should be bigger....but was interested in the headline for it's "EVER" purposes.

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