
Thursday, July 28, 2011

FCKH8 Campaign

Some of you probably saw this already because it was sent to me yesterday by the Minnesota Family Council.  It's a pro gay video and of course will be used as this group attacks Minnesota on the fight for legalizing gay marriage.  For those of you who haven't seen it, watch the video and pay special attention to how they claim people who believe the Bible would advocate selling our daughters as slaves and stoning people who work on the sabbath.

See video ad here;

So of course these folks have plucked some Old Testament laws out of Leviticus, made them seem obsolete in the light of present day norms....and then used this pattern to also make biblical bans against homosexuality that some churches uphold, seem ridiculous.

How long will merciful God withhold his hand from this wicked land....where perverts and those who support them are held up as heroes and hipsters...and those who stand with the Word of God are shouted down, ridiculed and made fun of?

How long O God?

1 comment:

  1. So very sick, so very sad! Minnesota seems to be getting hit by the gay agenda harder than any other state. May God have mercy on us all.
