
Monday, July 25, 2011

It Can't Be Long Now!

When mankind starts tinkering with human-animal hybrids....we have to be near the end.  How long will God sit by and watch scientists cross human sperm with a pig or a horse or a goat?

150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years

The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far.

Human-animal hybrids are also created in other countries, many of which have little or no regulation.

Read more:

The Bible tells us that God knew us before he placed us in the womb.  One has to wonder if these types of experiments are this generation's own Tower of Babel event. 

"We will be all powerful and heal every disease once we have enough human-animal hybrids.  The creation of life is at our fingertips!  The sky is the limit!!"

Pride comes before the fall.

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