
Friday, July 15, 2011

More Gay Stuff Floods Into California

As we have said, the gay agenda seems to be pouring down on us like a flood of epic proportions....and the rain continues today with more news out of California.  The headline is below, but could I first ask a question...What exactly IS Gay History??  Could it be this?.... 

"In 1918, Jim Smith was the very first man in California to sodomize another man.  By 1920, Henrietta Johnson had consummated the first lesbian sexual relations with another woman.  Later that very same year Tom Thompson exercised his natural desires and sodomized a man in the morning but later that day had natural relations with his wife thereby entering the history books as the first bi-sexual in California!  We owe our gratitude to these brave pioneers of early California!"

California orders gay history in school textbooks       

California became the first U.S. state to require that public school textbooks include the accomplishments of gay, lesbian and transgender Americans as Governor Jerry Brown signed the mandate into law.   

"This bill revises existing laws that prohibit discrimination in education and ensures that the important contributions of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life are included in our history books," Brown said. "It represents an important step forward for our state.

'Sexually brainwashed'Randy Thomasson, president of the conservative, said Brown had "trampled the parental rights of the broad majority of California mothers and fathers who don't want their children to be sexually brainwashed."

"The only way parents can opt-out their kids from this immoral indoctrination is to opt them out of the entire public school system, which is no longer for morally sensitive parents and their children," Thomasson said.

"There is no room for discrimination of any kind in our classrooms, our communities or our state," said Dean Vogel, president of the California Teachers Association.

See it here;

Oh----My----Goodness---!  California has TOTALLY lost it!  It is atheism and hedonism running it's course in the Golden State!  I would evacuate as soon as possible!  (problem being I have no idea where one would evacuate to?)

"In those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."  Judges 21:25

Today this could read, "In those days America had no leaders who feared the Lord and no people who knew The Word; everyone did as he saw fit."

God WILL NOT let this stand.  That is an absolute can take it to the bank.

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