
Friday, July 22, 2011

North Korea and Iran Working on Nuclear Missile

This sounds like it could be a Jay Leno joke;  "What's worse the Iran working on a nuclear missile?....  North Korea and Iran working jointly on a nuclear missile."  (thunderous laughter)

We already know that North Korea has detonated a few nuclear weapons and we already know that Iran recently tested long range missiles with a range of over 1200 miles.  So what would be needed for these two regimes to hold the entire world hostage??...  North Korea screwing a warhead on Iran's long range missiles.

According to a study by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), North Korea's weapons programmes are now benefiting from technology from Iran.

Pyongyang also possesses technology that would enable Iran's uranium enrichment programme to increase its output. However concrete evidence that North Korea has supplied the Iranians with its superior equipment has not been uncovered by IISS.
The disclosure marks a disturbing escalation in the race for nuclear weapons technology by the two states which are seen to present the biggest threat to global security.

See it here;

How much longer will Israel stand by while these mad regimes cook up ways to destroy them?  How much longer will America stand by and pretend that we can stop Iran and North Korea by sanctions?

Answer:  America will stand by until it's simply too late.  We are bankrupt and quite frankly just sick of war so will continue to look the other way...but I have a feeling that Israel is not going to sit by much longer.  Don't let it take you by surprise if you soon wake up to headlines that Israel made a major military move while we slept.


  1. Hey,

    I was reading Daniel today.

    Article from fars news this AM.

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran will continue military operations against the Iraq-based armed opposition group, PJAK (Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan), an Iranian provincial official announced.

    The Kurds PJAK are the Medes and Iran the Persians. I must say they have some history with each other.



  2. Hi Dennis, A forward looking statement for your blog.

    A senior Hezbollah official says that the Lebanese resistance movement is more powerful today and can inflict a heavier defeat on Israel five years after the 2006 Lebanon War.

    I am thinking that they are not looking for peace.



  3. Hi there,

    Have a look at this research program creating animal / human embryos. That has to get the attention of our creator. Playing with the fabric of life. Now we are knitting together our creations in our lab wombs.


