
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Arabs Plan Protests Against Israel

Last week we posted about a ex CIA dude saying he thought war between Israel and Iran and it's proxies was coming in September.  Today we have this article saying that Palestinian leaders are planning mass protests against Israel for September...which would coincide with the request to declare a Palestinian state in the United Nations in September.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian officials say they plan to begin mass marches against Israel’s occupation of the West Bank on Sept. 20, the eve of a largely symbolic U.N. vote expected to recognize their independence.

Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo says leaders hope to draw millions of people into the streets, and say the day will be the beginning of prolonged demonstrations.

He says the marches will be peaceful. But Israeli leaders fear any unrest could easily spin out of control.

See it here;

We will need to keep our eyes open for September.

Also notice how most media refers to, "Israel's occupation of the West Bank".  The word occupation makes it sound like an enemy army is on someone else's sovereign the USA is occupying Iraq.  The joke is that there has never been a Palestinian state and that Jordan LOST this territory to Israel when Jordan attacked Israel in 1967.

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